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You may update package shipping status here." }, "package_notification": { "title": "Package storage notification", "content": "There are package(s) that have stored in agency warehouse for some days. It is necessary to send package storage notification to their owner(s). You may send package storage notification here." }, "order_confirm_pending": { "title": "Order payment confirmation", "content": "There are order(s) payment require confirmation. You may confirm payment here." }, "order_cancel_pending": { "title": "Order cancellation", "content": "There are order(s) had been cancelled. You may process order cancellation here." }, "package_recreq_register": { "title": "Package proxy receive request register", "content": "There are Package proxy receive request(s) that have not registered yet. You may register them here." }, "package_service_process": { "title": "Package service process", "content": "There are package(s) that request Package service by their owner(s). You may process them here." }, "package_shipping_prepare": { "title": "Package shipping prepare", "content": "There are package(s) that must set package shipping bag No.. You may set them here." }, "package_shipping": { "title": "Package shipping", "content": "There are package shipping bag(s) that have not been shipping out right now. You may build new package shipping." }, "package_return": { "title": "Package return", "content": "There are package(s) that request return pacakge by their owner(s). You may process them here." }, "package_declaration_classify": { "title": "Package declaration classify", "content": "There are package(s) that have not classified declaration yet. You may classify them here." }, "package_declaration_tariff": { "title": "Package tariff update", "content": "There are package(s) that have not update tariff yet. You may update them here." }, "no_task": "These is no matter acquire your attention." }, "flowmap": { "title": "Process flow map", "flowmap1": "Package receiving", "flowmap2": "Package service", "flowmap3": "Package shipping", "flowmap4": "Package returning", "procedure": { "shipping_order_payment": "Pay for bill" } } } }, "adminUser": { "title": "Administrator", "password_hint": "Password will not be changed if empty.", "password_confirm_hint": "Input password once more please", "addToGroup": "\u52a0\u5165\u7fa4\u7d44", "auth": "User's privileges", "authRight": "Privileges", "group": "Belonging group", "granted_in_group": "Granted in group", "ungranted_in_group": "Ungranted in group", "granted": "Granted", "ungranted": "Ungranted", "ignore": "Ignore", "grant": "Grant", "revoke": "Revoke" }, "adminUserGroup": { "title": "Administrator group", "authRight": "Privileges", "member": "Group member" }, "contact": { "title": "Contact us" }, "faq": { "title": "FAQ" }, "forgot": { "title": 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"contact": "Contact us" }, "product": { "title": "Smile customizing product" }, "sale": { "title": "Buy now" }, "ordering": { "title": "How to order", "order": "Order", "shipping": "Shipping fee", "payment": "Payment" }, "showcase": { "title": "Showcase", "chosen": "Featured", "--last--": null }, "--last--": null }, "footer": { "slogon": "DPEX SFM, make your smile forever.", "copyright": "Copyright \u00a9 DPEX Worldwide Express Co., Ltd<\/a> All Rights Reserved.", "service": "Terms of service", "privacy": "Privacy policy" }, "langName": "Language", "featureMenu": { "cart": "Cart", "login": "Login", "user": "User console", "logout": "Logout", "--last--": null }, "cpanel": { "title": "Content Management", "edit": "To edit mode", "normal": "To normal mode", "admin": "To Administration" }, "--last--": null }, "list": { "searchAll": "-- all --", "listAll": "List all", "new": "New", "edit": "Edit", "view": "View", "open": "Open", "copy": "Copy", "play": "play", "delete": "Delete", "orderby": 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Account does not exists!", "loginfail_account_not_confirmed": "Login fail! Account has not been confirmed!", "loginfail_account_disabled": "Login fail! Account was disabled!", "loginfail_password_incorrect": "Login fail! Incorrect password!", "loginfail_webbind_timeout": "Login fail! Remote login timeout! please log in again.", "loginsuccess": "Login successfully!", "loginList": { "title": "Login with Borderless@DPEX account", "prompt": "You have already logged in on the DPEX Worldwide Web. You can directly click on following list to log in to this website with the same account.", "closeBox": "Close the window and log in in the normal way" } }, "message": { "no_data": "No data found", "class_not_exists": "Class does not exists", "data_exists": "The identical data exists.", "data_not_exists": "Data not found.", "data_inconsistence": "Data inconsistence", "incorrect_vercode": "incorrect vercode!", "insufficient_privilege": "Insufficient privilege", "unsuitable_status": "Unsuitable status", "access_denied": "Access denied", "insert_success": "Insert successfully!", "insert_fail_exists": "Insert fail! The identical data exists.", "update_success": "Update successfully!", "update_fail_not_exists": "Update fail! The original data not exists.", "delete_success": "Delete successfully!", "delete_fail_not_exists": "Delete fail! The original data not exists.", "delete_fail_data_not_deletable": "Delete fail! The record is not deletable.", "copy_success": "Copy successfully!", "copy_fail_not_exists": "Copy fail! The original data not exists.", "submit_success": "Submit successfully!", "save_success": "Save successfully!", "loading": "Loading...", "redirecting": "Redirecting...", "unacceptable_file_type": "Unacceptable file type", "file_exists": "file exists : %s", "file_not_exists": "file not exists : %s", "folder_exists": "folder exists: %s", "folder_not_exists": "folder not exists : %s", "import_success": "Import successfully!", "password_incorrect": "Incorrect password!", "login_user_id_incorrect": "Incorrect account!", "no_less_than": "%s must not less than %s", "no_great_than": "%s must not great than %s", "no_earlier_than": "%s must not earlier than %s", "no_later_than": "%s must not later than %s" }, "messageType": { "info": "Information", "error": "Error", "alert": "Alert", "confirm": "Confirm" }, "page": { "index": { "title": "Home", "product": { "title": "Product", "more": "more", "detail": "more", "--last--": null }, "showcase": { "title": "Showcase", "more": "more", "moreOf": "more", "produceMy": "make my works" } }, "product": { "title": "Product", "more": "more", "startMake": "Make now", "guideDownload": "Other Product Categories", "noPrice": "... n\/a ...", "emptyLayout": "-- blank layout --", "papertype_binding": "Paper type\/Binding", "pagenum_none": "-- Ignore number of pages --", "pagenum_reduce": "Reduce pages", "pagenum_increase": "Increase pages", "pagenum_gt_layout": "number of pages must greate than layout page(s)", "productSize": "Product size", "pageLayout": "Page layout", "productLayout": "Product layout", "productSample": "Product's sample", "back_to_view": "back to product" }, "showcase": { "title": "Showcase", "more": "more", "view": "View", "guideDownload": "Other Product Categories", "noPrice": "... n\/a ...", "papertype_binding": "Paper type\/Binding", "pagenum": "Number of pages", "chosen": { "title": "Featured", "brief": "Featured works brief\nFeatured works brief\n", "--last--": null } }, "sale": { "title": "For sale", "more": "more", "view": "View", "add_cart": "Add to cart", "add_cart_confirm": "Are you sure to add this for-sale work(s) to cart?", "add_cart_done": "This for-sale work has been added to cart successfully.", "guideDownload": "Other Product Categories", "noPrice": "... n\/a ...", "papertype_binding": "Paper type\/Binding", "pagenum": "Number of pages" }, "faq": { "title": "FAQ" }, "contact": { "title": "Contact us" }, "project": { "title": "User's works" }, "--last--": null }, "product": { "title": "Product", "productPrice": { "title": "Product Price", "pricing_rule": "Pricing rule", "binding_none": "-- No binding --", "pagenum_none": "Ignore number of pages", "pagenum_to_price": "Pricing by number of pages", "pagenum_inc_none": "Unchangeable number of pages", "pagenum_inc_to_price": "Changeable number of pages", "pagenum_gt_layout": "number of pages must greate than default layout page(s)" }, "sample": { "title": "Product's sample", "list_all": "All", "list_sample": "Product's sample only", "list_notsample": "Except product's sample" } }, "guideDownload": { "title": "Form download" }, "warehouse": { "title": "Agency warehouse", "warehouseCountry": "Country status", "address_hint": "Please use {$sno} represent user's \"S\/N\". It will be replace with real value on web page.
Use ...<\/copy> to mark the address so that the address can be copied into the clipboard by pressing the \"Copy\" button." }, "warehouseCountry": { "title": "Warehouse country" }, "feecalFactor": { "title": "Shipping fee calculation factor", "default_not_deletable": "Default data is not deletable." }, "packageRecreq": { "title": "Package proxy receive request", "log": "Log", "packageInfo": "Lookup package information" }, "packageRecreqRegister": { "title": "Package proxy receive request register", "step1": { "title": "STEP 1. 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Finished", "sendSuccess": "Package storage notifications have sent completely." }, "require_notify": { "title": "Require notification", "all": "All", "Y": "Required", "N": "Not required" }, "setting": { "title": "Change the setting for sending package storage notifications" }, "--last--": null }, "productLayout": { "title": "Product layout", "jsonLayout": "Edit layout" }, "pageLayout": { "title": "Page layout", "jsonLayout": "Edit layout" }, "pageBackground": { "title": "Page background" }, "pageImage": { "title": "Page image" }, "project": { "title": "User's works", "sale": "Selling\/commission" }, "showcase": { "title": "Showcase", "add": "Add new work", "addfor": "Add to showcase", "list": "Showcase list", "addforNoDataSelected": "Choose one data at least!", "addforConfirm": "Are you sure to add the work(s) to showcase?", "addfor_success": "The work(s) add to showcase successfully.", "chosen": { "list_all": "All", "list_chosen": "Featured only", "list_notchosen": "Except Featured" } 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email for the password.", "order_not_exists": "Cannot find this order.", "password_incorrect": "Access password is incorrect.", "send_mail": "Send mail after save" }, "order_tariff": { "title": "Tariff order", "status_log": "Status log", "cancel_order": { "title": "Cancel order", "panel_title": "Cancel order control", "cancel_delivery": "Request return merchandise(s), refund.", "cancel_payment": "Conduct refund", "cancel_finished": "Confirm cancel", "return_processing": "Returning merchandise(s)", "return_setting": "Request return merchandise(s) again", "return_finished": "Return finished", "return_fail": "Return fail", "return_reset": "Reset return status", "refund_finished": "Refund finished" }, "pay_confirm": "Payment confirm", "deliver_status_to": "Change shipping status to", "deliver_status_keep": "Keep shipping status", "deliver_status_update": "Update", "view": "View", "buyer": { "create_new_account": "Create new user account", "user_old_account": "Use old account", "user_org_account": "Use original account" }, "one_item_at_least": "There must have one item in shipping list at least.", "order_id_hint": "Please input custom order No.", "password": "Access password", "password_hint": "Please refer to the order email for the password.", "order_not_exists": "Cannot find this order.", "password_incorrect": "Access password is incorrect.", "send_mail": "Send mail after save" }, "invoiceType": { "title": "Invoice type" }, "payment": { "title": "Payment" }, "delivery": { "title": "Shipping" }, "currency": { "title": "Currency", "countryList": "Country list" }, "order_state": { "title": "Order state" }, "order_status": { "title": "Order status" }, "order_payment_status": { "title": "Payment status" }, "order_delivery_status": { "title": "Shipping status" }, "package_status": { "title": "Package status" }, "package_service": { "title": "Package service" }, "package_recreq_status": { "title": "Package proxy receive request status" }, "package_declaration": { "title": "Package declaration class" }, "city_country": { "title": "Country", "currencyList": { "title": "Currency list", "selected": "Selected", "unselected": "Unselected", "last": "-- No currency --" } }, "city": { "title": "City" }, "city_town": { "title": "Town", "no_city": "-- No city --", "cannot_add": "There is no city for town to add to." }, "order_setting": { "title": "Order system setting", "aiocheckout_url": "ECPAY Payment Service aiocheckout URL", "merchantid": "ECPAY Payment\/Logistics Service merchantid", "hashkey": "ECPAY Payment\/Logistics Service hashkey", "hashiv": "ECPAY Payment\/Logistics Service hashiv", "deliver_sender_name": "ECPAY Logistics Service sender's name", "deliver_sender_phone": "ECPAY Logistics Service sender's phone number", "deliver_sender_cellphone": "ECPAY Logistics Service sender's mobile phone number", "deliver_sender_email": "ECPAY Logistics Service sender's email", "deliver_sender_address": "ECPAY Logistics Service sender's address", "deliver_sender_address_zip": "ECPAY Logistics Service sender's ZIP code", "deliver_return_store_id": "ECPAY Logistics Service: the convenience store to pickup returned merchandise(s).", "map_store_id": "Specify the convenience store." }, "register": { "title": "Sign up", "id": "Account", "id_placeholder": "Required, input email address please.", "password": "Password", "password_placeholder": "Required, allow alphanumeric characters only, case-senstive, 6 characters at leaset.", "password_confirm": "Confirm Password", "password_confirm_placeholder": "Input your password once again please.", "name": "Name", "name_placeholder": "Required, input your real name please.", "agree_term": "I read and agree
Terms of service<\/a> and Privacy policy<\/a>.", "register": "Sign up", "normal_register": "Sign up", "facebook_register": "Sign up with Facebook", "facebook_account_exists": "Your current Facebook account %s has been registered on this site already. Do not double register it.", "facebook_register_first_login": "This is the first time login to this website with this facebook account. Please input following account data, so then you may login to this website in general way.", "fb_confirmation_loginfail": "Facebook account: %s %s", "google_register": "Sign up with Google", "google_account_exists": "Your current Google account %s has been registered on this site already. Do not double register it.", "google_register_first_login": "This is the first time login to this website with this Google account. Please input following account data, so then you may login to this website in general way.", "gp_confirmation_loginfail": "Google account:%s %s", "user_data": "User infomation", "forgot": "Forgot password", "login": "User login", "success": "Sign up complete successfully!", "email_subject": "Account Confirmation Email", "email_desc": "

Dear Sirs :<\/p>

This email used to confirm your DPEX SFMaccount %s are valid email address. Please click the following link to confirm and activate your account and start using the user console on DPEX SFMDPEX Worldwide Express Shop&Ship Web.<\/p>", "email_link_text": "Click here to confirm and activate your account %s", "email_comment": "Note: This email is sent by the DPEX SFMDPEX Worldwide Express Shop&Ship Web, please do not reply to this email.", "success_desc": "

Your account %s had complete sign up procedure, but it cannot be use to login now. You must confirm it first.<\/p>

Account Confirmation Email<\/b> had been sent to your email box. Please check your email, open it, then confirm your account.<\/p>", "success_desc_confirmed": "

Your account %s had complete sign up procedure, you may login now.<\/p>", "success_desc_facebook": "

Your Facebook account %s had complete sign up procedure, you may login now.<\/p>", "success_desc_google": "

Your Google account %s had complete sign up procedure, you may login now.<\/p>", "account_exists": "The account %s already be used by others.", "account_not_email": "%s is not valid email.", "confirm": "Account Confirmation", "confirm_success": "Account Confirmed", "confirm_success_desc": "Your account %s has been confirmed, now you can login to the DPEX SFMDPEX Worldwide Express Shop&Ship Web, use the user console.", "login_now": "Login now" }, "setting": { "title": "Setting", "page_title": "Website title", "page_keywords": "Website keywords", "page_description": "Website description", "page_copyright": "Website copyright declaration", "service_email": "Service email sender", "service_email_name": "Service email sender's name", "send_register_email": "Send Account Confirmation Email", "send_register_email_hint": "To confirm new account's email address, when user conduct standard signup for new account, system will send \"Account Confirmation Email\" to new account's mailbox.\u3002" }, "socialSetting": { "title": "Social setting", "facebook_app_id": "Facebook app ID", "google_api_id": "Google APIs ID", "google_client_oauth2_client_id": "Google client OAuth2 client ID", "google_client_oauth2_client_secret": "Google client OAuth2 client secret", "google_server_api_key": "Google server API key", "google_client_oauth2_scopes": "Google client OAuth2 scopes" }, "every8dSetting": { "title": "Every8D setting", "website": "Every8D website", "setting_title": "Every8D setting", "test_title": "Every8D test" }, "recaptchaSetting": { "title": "reCAPTCHA setting", "recaptcha_sitekey": "reCAPTCHA site key", "recaptcha_secretkey": "reCAPTCHA secret key", "--last--": null }, "sysvar": { "title": "System variable" }, "sysvarGroup": { "title": "System variable group", "sysvar": "System variables" }, "user": { "title": "Users", "password_hint": "Password will not be changed if empty.", "password_confirm_hint": "Input password once more please", "odate_null": "Not confirmed yet", "resend_confirmation": "resend the \"Account Confirmation Email\"", "resend_confirmation_success": "resend the \"Account Confirmation Email\" successfully." }, "userAuthRight": { "title": "Privileges" }, "userAuth": { "title": "Feature privileges" }, "slide": { "title": "Slide" }, "webContent": { "title": "Web content" }, "webImage": { "title": "Web image" }, "webMailerSMTP": { "title": "Web SMTP mailer", "hint_less_secure": "You have to turn on access for this account to use less secure sign-in technology.", "test_title": "Mailing test", "to": "Recipient", "to_name": "Recipient name", "subject": "Subject", "content": "Message", "sent_success": "The E-mail has been sent successfully!", "sent_fail": "The E-mail failed to send!" }, "webMessagePublic": { "title": "Website message" }, "webMessagePrivate": { "title": "Customer service message", "user_id_placeholder": "Please enter the member account or S\/N" }, "userLayout": { "title": "DPEX SFM", "subtitle": "User console", "toHome": "Home", "lastLogin": "last login at", "warning": "This system only allow authorized member login, unauthorized access will .... law justice.", "login": { "title": "User login" }, "mainMenu": { "home": "Home", "account": "My account", "account_password": "Change password", "userRecipient": "My recipient", "warehouse": "Agency warehouse", "packageRecreq": "Package proxy receive request", "package_group": "Package", "package": "My package", "order": "Order", "saleCommission": "Selling\/commission", "--last--": null }, "userMenu": { "home": "Home", "admin": "Administration", "user": "User console", "logout": "Logout" }, "projectMenu": { "edit": "General", "--last--": null }, "userInfo": { "welcome": "Welcome," }, "count": { "title": "My properties", "package": "My package", "userRecipient": "My recipient", "packageRecreq": "My package proxy receive request", "message": "Message", "order": "Order", "order_product": "Shopping order", "order_custom": "Custom order", "order_tariff": "Tariff order", "--last--": null } }, "userPage": { "home": { "title": "User console home", "flowmap": { "title": "Process flow map", "flowmap1": "Package receiving", "flowmap2": "Package shipping & declaration ", "flowmap3": "Package returning" }, "task_list": { "title": "Task list", "prompt": "These matter(s) acquire your attention.", "build_package_recreq": { "title": "Build new package proxy receive request", "content": "You have none package proxy receive request that is waiting for package now. You may build new package proxy receive request here." }, "apply_shipping": { "title": "Add my package to shipping cart", "content": "You have some package(s) store in our agency warehouse. Please shipping them out to Taiwan soon. Or we will charge store fee if them stay in warehouse too long." }, "shipping_billing": { "title": "Billing for shipping", "content": "You have some package(s) store in our agency warehouse is ready to shipping out. Please billing for them soon. Once we receive the payment, them will shipping out to the recipient's place in Taiwan as you assigned." }, "pay_bill": { "title": "Pay for the shipping bill.", "content": "You have some shipping bill(s) were not paid yet. Please pay for them soon. Once we receive the payment, bill's package(s) will shipping out to the recipient's place in Taiwan as you assigned." }, "read_message_public": { "title": "Read website message.", "content": "You have some website message(s) had not read yet. Please read them soon. It's possible these are some important message(s) among them." }, "read_message_private": { "title": "Read customer service message.", "content": "You have some customer service message(s) had not read yet. Please read them soon. It's possible these are some important message(s) among them." }, "no_task": "These is no matter acquire your attention." } }, "build_package_recreq": { "title": "Build new package proxy receive request", "content": "You have none package proxy receive request that is waiting for package now. You may build new package proxy receive request here." }, "apply_shipping": { "title": "Add my package to shipping cart", "content": "You have some package(s) store in our agency warehouse. Please shipping them out to Taiwan soon. Or we will charge store fee if them stay in warehouse too long." }, "shipping_billing": { "title": "Billing for shipping", "content": "You have some package(s) store in our agency warehouse is ready to shipping out. Please billing for them soon. Once we receive the payment, them will shipping out to the recipient's place in Taiwan as you assigned." }, "pay_bill": { "title": "Pay for the shipping bill.", "content": "You have some shipping bill(s) were not paid yet. Please pay for them soon. Once we receive the payment, bill's package(s) will shipping out to the recipient's place in Taiwan as you assigned." }, "read_message_public": { "title": "Read website message.", "content": "You have some website message(s) had not read yet. Please read them soon. It's possible these are some important message(s) among them." }, "read_message_private": { "title": "Read customer service message.", "content": "You have some customer service message(s) had not read yet. Please read them soon. It's possible these are some important message(s) among them." }, "account": { "title": "Edit user data" }, "account_password": { "title": "Change password", "password_hint": "Input new password please" }, "userRecipient": { "title": "My recipient", "info": "Recipient information", "default": "Default recipient", "toDefault": "Set as default", "privacy_prompt": "When customs clearance is required for imported goods, if you need formal declaration, you will need your identification documents. You can upload information to reduce your operating time. We also guarantee the security of your personal data. Please refer to the Privacy Policy<\/a> of this website." }, "packageRecreq": { "title": "My package proxy receive request", "title_new": "Build new package proxy receive request", "newItem": "Add new item", "requireDetail": "Please enter all goods's detail.", "content_note": "Product materials or high-priced brands of goods please describe in detail in order to clear customs, such as: CHANEL classic leather handbags." }, "package": { "title": "My package", "addto_shipping_cart": "Add to shipping cart", "shipping_title": "Edit shipping setting", "recipient": "Recipient", "return": "Return", "download_auth_letter": "Goto download the \"Letter of Authorization\"", "download_package_auth_letter": "Download the \"Letter of Authorization\" of this package", "service_fee_exclude_declaration": "Exclude declaration fee", "service_none": "None service was used", "no_recipient": "(Not set yet)", "no_recipient_idimg": "(Not upload)", "no_auth_letter": "(Not upload)", "packageReturn": { "title": "Return package", "termOfReturnAgree": "I agree these terms.", "submit": "Submit", "sent": "Return package request has sent.", "sentMessage": "You have requested to return your package #{$id}. We will send you the bill to pay related fee." } }, "packageApply": { "title": "Packages apply to shipping", "edit_shipping_cart": "Edit shipping setting", "cancel_shipping_cart": "Cancel shipping", "combined_package_cannot_cancel": "Cannot cancel the shipping cart which use \"Package combining service\", please edit shipping cart first.", "to_payment": "%n package(s) is ready to shipping out, billing for shipping them" }, "packageShipping": { "title": "Packages is shipping" }, "packageReturn": { "title": "Packages is returning" }, "packageInquery": { "title": "Inquery package status", "search_keyword_placeholder": "Please enter keyword to search package(s)", "search_keyword_prompt": "You can use keyword to search Package No., Tracking Number, Proxy Receive Request No.", "search_result_no_data": "No results found." }, "cart": { "title": "Billing for shipping", "cartList": "Package list", "cartItemModified": "The package had been modified. Restart billing procedure please.", "cartItemModifiedRestart": "Some package (s) in shipping list had been modified. Restart billing procedure please.", "testWarning": "The system is testing now, you cannot really pay for it.", "noSessionRestart": "No session exists, restart billing procedure.", "missingSessionRestart": "Session original order information not exists, restart billing procedure.", "order_date_changed": "System date has changed, system will refresh the store fee, please wait a moment.", "step1": { "title": "Shipping list", "view": "View this package", "remove": "Remove this package from shipping list", "clear": "Clear shipping list", "at_least_one_item": "There must have one package in shipping list at least." }, "step2": { "title": "Payment method", "noPaymentMethod": "There is no available payment method now, please retry later." }, "step3": { "title": "Invoice", "invoice_to_address": "The address to send invoice" }, "step4": { "title": "Confirm billing", "orderSendConfirm": "Are you sure to send this bill?", "orderSending": "Billing is sending, please do not close window or exit this page.", "order_date_refreshed": "The store fee have been refreshed, please confirm this billing again, then click \"Next\". " }, "step5": { "title": "Bill have built", "response": "We have built this bill.", "online_transfer": [ "

Now you may click \u3010Pay it\u3011<\/a>, we will shipping the merchandise(s) to recipient once we received your money.<\/p>", "

If you wanna pay it later, You may find this order<\/a> in \u3010User console \uff1e Order\u3011<\/a> of our website, then open it, then click the \u3010Pay it\u3011<\/a> button, then you may pay for it.<\/p>", "

The order email has sent to the buyer's email box({$user_email}<\/a>).<\/p>", "

Please \u3010Pay it\u3011<\/a> for this order before payment expired ({$payment_expire}) \u3002<\/p>" ], "offline_transfer": [ "

Now browser is redirecting to ECPay website for setting payment. Please don't close this page or jump to other page.<\/p>", "

If browser not redirect to ECPay, you may click \u3010next step\u3011<\/a>\u3002<\/p>", "

You cannot pay for this order until ECPay payment setting finish.<\/p>" ], "offline": [ "

Now you may go to pay for this order ( payment method was on \"Payment\" section in this order<\/a> ). Please write down the payment time, amount, and bank account, , then click \"Register payment information\"<\/a> button on this order<\/a> to register those information. , we will shipping the merchandise(s) to recipient after receiving and confirming your money.<\/p>", "

If you wanna pay it later, You may find this order<\/a> in \u3010User console \uff1e Order\u3011<\/a> of our website, then open it, then click the \"Register payment information\"<\/a> button, then you may register payment information.<\/p>", "

The order email has sent to the buyer's email box({$user_email}<\/a>).<\/p>", "

Please \u3010Pay it\u3011<\/a> for this order before payment expired ({$payment_expire}) \u3002<\/p>" ] } }, "order": { "title": "Order", "cancel_order": "Cancel order", "cancel_order_confirm": "Are you sure to cancel this order?", "cancel_order_success": "Order cancellation has been confirmed, we will deal with it as soon as possible ...", "payment": "Pay it", "payment_offline": { "title": "Register payment information", "success": "The payment information register successfully.", "--last--": null }, "open": "Open", "SMS_subject": "Order payment notification", "SMS_content": "Order payment notification - " }, "orderProduct": { "title": "Shopping Order", "cancel_order": "Cancel order", "cancel_order_confirm": "Are you sure to cancel this order?", "cancel_order_success": "Order cancellation has been confirmed, we will deal with it as soon as possible ...", "payment": "Pay it", "payment_offline": { "title": "Register payment information", "success": "The payment information register successfully.", "--last--": null }, "open": "Open" }, "order_custom": { "title": "Custom Order", "cancel_order": "Cancel order", "cancel_order_confirm": "Are you sure to cancel this order?", "cancel_order_success": "Order cancellation has been confirmed, we will deal with it as soon as possible ...", "payment": "Pay it", "payment_offline": { "title": "Register payment information", "success": "The payment information register successfully.", "--last--": null }, "open": "Open", "save_for_pay": "Save to pay ", "save_for_edit": "Save", "SMS_subject": "Custom order payment notification", "SMS_content": "Custom order payment notification - " }, "order_tariff": { "title": "Tariff Order", "cancel_order": "Cancel order", "cancel_order_confirm": "Are you sure to cancel this order?", "cancel_order_success": "Order cancellation has been confirmed, we will deal with it as soon as possible ...", "payment": "Pay it", "payment_offline": { "title": "Register payment information", "success": "The payment information register successfully.", "--last--": null }, "open": "Open", "save_for_pay": "Save to pay ", "save_for_edit": "Save", "SMS_subject": "Tariff order payment notification", "SMS_content": "Tariff order payment notification - " }, "warehouse": { "title": "Agency warehouse", "copyButtonLabel": "Copy address" }, "webMessagePublic": { "title": "Website message" }, "webMessagePrivate": { "title": "Customer service message" } }, "editor": { "page_type": { "title": "Page type", "feature": "Special page", "inner": "Normal page" }, "cost_page": "Cost page(s)", "author": "Author", "toolbar_list": { "layout": "Layout", "background": "Background", "image": "Image", "photo_block": "Photo block", "text_block": "Text block", "layer": "Layer", "pblock": "Page block", "auto_photo": "Auto photo", "optimize_photo": "Optimize photo", "calendar": "Calendar" }, "editctl_list": { "undo": "Undo", "redo": "Redo", "copy": "Copy", "save": "Save", "edit": "My works info", "edit_product_layout": 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"Grayscale", "Avg": "Average", "Lum": "Luminosity", "Light": "Lightness" }, "Invert": "Invert", "Colormatrix_filters": { "title": "Colormatrix filters", "Sepia": "Sepia", "Black_White": "Black\/White", "Brownie": "Brownie", "Vintage": "Vintage", "Kodachrome": "Kodachrome", "Technicolor": "Technicolor", "Polaroid": "Polaroid", "Remove_color": { "title": "Remove color", "Color": "Color", "Distance": "Distance" } }, "Brightness": "Brightness", "Gamma": { "title": "Gamma", "Red": "Red", "Green": "Green", "Blue": "Blue" }, "Contrast": "Contrast", "Saturation": "Saturation", "Hue": "Hue", "Noise": "Noise", "Pixelate": "Pixelate", "Blur": "Blur", "Sharpen": "Sharpen", "Emboss": "Emboss", "Blend_Color": { "title": "Blend Color", "mode": { "title": "Mode", "Add": "Add", "Diff": "Diff", "Subtract": "Subtract", "Multiply": "Multiply", "Screen": "Screen", "Lighten": "Lighten", "Darken": "Darken", "Overlay": "Overlay", "Exclusion": "Exclusion", "Tint": "Tint" }, "Color": "Color", "Alpha": "Alpha" } }, "message": { "onePageBlockAtLeast": "There must be at least one page block per page, so this page block can not be deleted!", "deletePageBlockConfirm": "Are you sure to delete this page block?", "deleteBlockConfirm": "Are you sure to delete this block?", "overwritePageConfirm": "Are you sure to overwrite current page with this layout?", "saveConfirm": "Are you sure to save this project?", "saveSuccess": "Save successfully!", "loadingImagePrompt": "Photo is loading, retry later!", "pageTypeMismatch": "Page type mismatch, apply fail.", "saveBeforeToCartConfirm": "This project has not saved yet, save it before adding to cart please.", "noActivePhotoBlock": "This feature only for photo block.", "noActivePBlock": "This tool only for page block", "noPhotoInBlock": "The photo block is empty, cannot use this tool", "noBackgroundImage": "The Page block has no photo in background, cannot use this tool", "--last--": null }, "saveDialog": { "saveConfirm": "Are you sure to save this project?", "dup_to_data": "Copy photo\/image into project storage." }, "--last--": null } }, "plugins": { "order": { "message": { "payment_expired": "Payment expired", "ecpay_paying_expired": "ECPay pay expired", "ecpay_setting_expired": "ECPay setting expired", "ecpay_return_setting_expired": "ECPay return merchandise(s) setting expired", "order_abnormal": "Order abnormal, do not pay for this order.", "order_abnormal_return": "Order abnormal, do not return merchandise(s) for this order.", "payment_expired_prompt": "Payment expired, can not pay for this order.", "incorrect_status": "Incorrect order status", "incorrect_payment_status": "Incorrect payment status, can not pay for this order.", "incorrect_delivery_status": "Incorrect shipping status", "ecpay_logisticsid_mismatch": "ECPay logistics ID mismatch", "deliver_type_wrong": "deliver type is wrong", "callback_wrong": "callback is wrong", "order_mail_fail": "Order mail fail", "--last--": null }, "ecpay": { "title": "ECPAY Payment\/Logistics Service", "error": "ECPAY Payment\/Logistics Service system fail", "error_message": "Error message", "payment_success": "Payment finished sucessfully.", "payment_error": "Payment fail!", "curency": "NTD", "--last--": null }, "jwbind": { "error_message": { "title": "Error Message", "order_id_exists": "Order No. already exists. " } }, "invoice_type": { "title": "Invoice type", "p2": "Duplicate Uniform Invoice (Standard)", "p3": "Triplicate Uniform Invoice (commerical)", "el": "Electronic Invoice" }, "invoice_to": { "title": "Invoice send to", "user": "Buyer's address", "recipient": "Recipient's address", "delivery": "Attach invoice to the shipment", "other": "to" } }, "tree": { "root": "Category root", "remove_confirm": "Are you sure to remove this category?", "message": { "remove_fail_has_child": "This category has child categories, remove fail!" }, "control": { "collapse": "Collapse", "expand": "Expand", "edit": "Edit", "append": "Add", "reload": "Refresh", "remove": "Remove" } }, "userSelector": { "inputKeywordPlaceholder": "Please enter a keyword to search for a user account" }, "every8d": { "title": "Every8D", "user_id": "User account", "password": "Password", "enable": "Enable", "mphone": "Mobile phone number", "subject": "Subject", "content": "Message", "send_success": "SMS sent successfully", "send_fail": "SMS send failure" } } }; langInfo.UILang = {}; langInfo.UILang['zh-tw'] = '繁體中文'; langInfo.UILang['en-us'] = 'English';