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9 April 2024

Granny Huang from Hualien City Generously Donates High-level Emergency Rescue Equipment to Fire Department, Safeguarding the Safety of Local Residents

In a heartwarming gesture, Granny Huang from Hualien City generously donated five sets of advanced multifunction physiological monitors to the Hualien City Fire Department, with a total value of up to NT$4.7 million. The donation ceremony took place on January 24, 2024, at 2 p.m. at the Hualien City Fire Department. Acting Director Wu Zhaoyuan represented the department in receiving the donation. The equipment will be distributed to five fire stations in Meilun, Renli, Ziqiang, Guangfu, and Fuli, where they are urgently needed.

Despite Granny Huang and her family's low-profile nature, they entrusted Acting Director Wu to deliver the much-needed emergency medical equipment directly to the frontline firefighters. Although Granny Huang did not attend the donation ceremony, she hopes that her modest contribution will inspire more societal responses.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Granny Huang's daughter, Granny Huang's heartfelt wish was successfully fulfilled. The most advanced and technologically sophisticated emergency medical equipment needed by the fire department has been placed in the hands of frontline rescue personnel. The family fervently hopes that the firefighters will maximize the effectiveness of this equipment, saving more lives and benefiting more residents of Hualien. Because every life is priceless, they also hope for more kind-hearted individuals to join in building a better, harmonious, and safer society.

The donated "Multifunction Physiological Monitor SCHILLER Touch 7" boasts several advantages:

Lightweight at only 2.4 kilograms, it combines blood pressure, blood oxygen, end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring, automatic defibrillation, manual defibrillation, transcutaneous pacing, and twelve-lead electrocardiogram capabilities.
It features direct electrocardiogram upload technology, enabling real-time transmission of electrocardiograms for interpretation by connecting physicians, allowing frontline rescue personnel to administer timely medication.
In addition to automatic defibrillation, it includes manual defibrillation functionality, always prepared to address various patient needs.
It can instantly rectify or adjust conditions to correct arrhythmias as needed, reducing the risk of patients going into shock.
It is designed to be shockproof and waterproof, ensuring durability even during operations in heavy rain.



Source of content: https://www.hlcfd.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=5624&s=151483

Other news sources: 
中央通訊社 https://www.cna.com.tw/news/aloc/202401260190.aspx
工商時報 https://www.ctee.com.tw/news/20240126701014-431401
中時新聞網 https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20240126002300-260405
聯合新聞網 https://udn.com/news/story/7328/7736632
自由時報 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/Hualien/paper/1628316
中華新聞雲 https://www.cdns.com.tw/articles/950573
華視 https://news.cts.com.tw/cna/local/202401/202401262280705.html

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